Thursday, 3 February 2011

G321: Creating Openings Using Jelly Babies

We used jelly babies in order to create a range of opening sequences. We had to consider narrative, sound, titles, timing and genre. In doing this it would allow us to begin thinking about aspects we need to consider when coming up with our own opening. We came up with three openings of different genres in order to become familiar with a range of genre. This would then prepare us for when we chose the genre for our final opening sequence.

Film Opening One: Action

Film Opening Two: Horror

Film Opening Three: Comedy

In doing this task it has made me realise all the different aspects that we need to consider when creating our opening. I have seen how it is important we keep the narrative simple with minimal characters as these openings are often more effective. It has also given me more of an insight into possible plot lines for the genres we have looked at and given me an idea of what works and what doesn't. It has also become clear that it can be easy to get carried away and try to come up with a whole story. I need to remember to only create the opening and not to over complicate it.

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